How far along?
37 weeks
37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:
Maternity clothes?
Stretch marks?
I just started having a couple of red spots but nothing crazy.
Best moment this week:
I had my weekly Dr. appointment and I'm just starting to dilate.
Miss anything:
I'm missing a good glass of wine or heck even a beer!
His movements are smaller and stronger.
His movements are smaller and stronger.
Food cravings:
I'm not really craving anything right now. Ice cream doesn't even sound that good to me. But since it's the season of pumpkin everything I've been eating a lot of pumpkin flavors.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
If I'm really hungry in the morning and I cough or sneeze too hard I'll get sick. WEIRD!
Have you started to show yet:
That's in understatement! Although people don't think I'm that big...I say it's because my chest is so big it's making an illusion that my belly is smaller LOL!
That's in understatement! Although people don't think I'm that big...I say it's because my chest is so big it's making an illusion that my belly is smaller LOL!
A BOY! Owen Christopher
A BOY! Owen Christopher
Labor Signs:
Yes, I have been having a lot of contractions but nothing consistent.
Yes, I have been having a lot of contractions but nothing consistent.
Belly Button in or out?
Still in!
Still in!
Wedding rings on or off?
I just had to take them off. I started to swell a bit last week.
Happy or Moody most of the time:
How about uncomfortable...
Looking forward to:
Seeing what Owen looks like :)
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